Sunday, March 14, 2010

Black Christian Dating

by Perry Mallory

In this age of faster computers, modern technology, and more complex issues to deal with such as staying afloat of the economic challenges of today, raising good strong families or walking in integrity, the lives of Christians become more challenging also. One area of concern is how do single Christians face today's challenges alone? What are the options for single Christians to increase their likelihood of entering the beautiful state of a Godly marriage?

I am quite personally bothered by the number of nice, talented and beautiful single Christian females that I have encountered around the world, especially Afro-American females. Who is addressing this issue? What can they do besides what religion has pronounced upon them to 'sit and wait to be found.'

What about online dating services? There are thousands of online dating services. So how do you cut through all the noise? Are any of the websites out there Christian? I have never used one since I have been happily married for close to 12 years, but I have noticed that many of the sites out there use the terms Christian Dating and Black Christian Dating. But this does not guarantee that the service is a Christian-owned firm nor does it guarantee that the candidates themselves are Christian.

From some of my research I have found several Christian dating services. They also specialize in Black Christian Dating. What I think is powerful is that they give you 7 (seven) days to try it for free. That can't hurt! Also they have a listing of ministries and notable leaders in the body of Christ that endorse the service.

Over the years, as a pastor, I have heard these questions among many others. The good news is there are plenty of great resources available by trusted leaders in the church that use the Bible to thoroughly address many of the taboo issues that have never been addressed openly. The problem is that they are not usually in one place. We have committed to begin a website that not only addresses these issues but is also a great place for those seeking for answers to certain topics to submit their questions for further research.

My question has always been, "If God created something, why can't we talk about it?" The answer is, "We can." If you want to find out more answers concerning Black Christian Dating go to

Perry Mallory is the owner of Christian Taboo (, a website created to address the many taboo issues that exist in the Church. After 15 years of pastoral work in New York, Perry felt it necessary to create a forum where people confused by certain modern social challenges could be lead to sound teachings and materials to address the social and biblical challenges of today's Christians.

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